2nd Oct -- 2016 Olympic Annoucement - Rio de Janeiro is chosen as the host city of the 2016 Summer Olympic beating Madrid in the final round of voting.
11th Oct -- Diogo Pires Fire - Intense blaze roads through the slums in Sao Paulo. (Sao Paulo is scheduled to host football matches at the Morumbi Stadium during the 2016 Olympics) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/11/diogo-pires-fire-intense-_n_316945.html
17th Oct -- Twelve dead and police helicopter downed as Rio de Janeiro's drug gangs go to war http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/oct/17/rio-favela-violence-helicopter
12th Nov -- Power failure blacks out much of Brazil, including Rio de Janeiro
31st Dec -- Casualties mount as mudslides hit Rio de Janeiro
I love Rio de Janeiro ...and wish it all the luck in the world to host Olympics successfully.. And China 2008, Brazil 2016, India 2032 ?? May be ...
(In case you did not get the irony.. had any one of the events - Drug wars, mudslides, fires, power outage happened prior to 2nd Oct, it is most likely that Rio would not have won the right to host the 2016 Olympics. That is Luck !!!)